I work in a range of media: : drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, collage, photomontage. The basis is often photography or sketching and painting in natural media or on my iPad. These images may then be combined and further developed in different printmaking media, digital software, collage or animation. Some of my work is more experimental and abstract, exploring the range of intentional and accidental effects that can be achieved in different media.
Natural Media
I very much enjoy experimenting with different types of textures and natural media:
- pencil/graphite
- charcoal
- ink pen and brush
- glue and gesso
- watercolour and gouache
- mixed media.
digital media
In terms of workflow, I generally need to alternate between digital and physical methods because I have had to manage RSI since 1994. This is particularly the case when I have a lot of computer work for my professional consultancy work. I cannot therefore aim – nor do I wish – to be a purely digital illustrator doing a substantial amount of digital drawing and painting.
- Lightroom, Photoshop, Topaz and DxOFX
- Adobe Illustrator in Project 3.1: Orange: Visual Dynamics
- Adobe InDesign in Assignment 3 TeeTotal Street and Assignment 4 Kyrgyzstan
- iPad drawing and compositing in Procreate and Adobe Fresco.
Printmaking media:
- monoprint
- linocut
- collagraph
- lithography
- etching
- combination prints.
Sketching with different types of pen Drips Japanese styles Blobs and pools
Images made from sticking, cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping elements from one or more photographs into a new image. These may be large and ambitious works that added typography, brushwork, or even objects stuck to the photomontage.
iPad Explorations
Sine the first iPad was released on April 3, 2010, the drawing experience has continued to improve. I have used the iPad as part of my workflow since 2014, currently for photomontage, sketching and animation in Procreate.
Charcoal Drawing
I really like the dark moody tone of charcoal. In the past I have used a range of techniques. Using willow/vine, compressed and condensed charcoal on different types of paper. I do have to be careful though using charcoal as I have a lot of problems with the dust.
Pencil Drawing
I really enjoy using pencil in different ways, exploring different types of line, markmaking and shading. I also use as graphite stick shavings for shading, and coloured and watercolour pencils and crayon.
Coloured pencils
I enjoy using coloured watercolour, pastel and pencil crayons
I combine gouache with watercolour and acrylic techniques including: washing out, preserving areas with gum arabic, . texture and transfer effects.
Urban sketching: approaches and materials
Urban sketchers website http://www.urbansketchers.org Steps Materials Sketchbooks Techniques Pen and ink Watercolour Teo Yi Chie based in Singapore Watercolour pencils Styles Alphonso Dunn A very good series on the process of constructing a scene. First think about the type of line – drawing with arm, wrist or fingers. Framing and focus. Can…
Figure Sketching
Alphonso Dunn Basic drawing Gesture Blocking in Portrait Hands and Feet
Drawing Buildings
Architectural illustration requires a high level of observation, analysis, and accuracy in your drawing. There are a number of ways you can achieve this, from using the principles of perspective to represent visual space, measuring proportions by eye using an outstretched arm and your pencil as a guide, or simply by taking your time to…
Combine watercolour and acrylic techniques. Work dark to light or other way round. Washes and detail. all about edges. Can work back in. use mediums and then wash out. Print with kitchen towel and other surfaces. Lift off and blot out. Sgraffito. texture and transfer effects. See also post Jonathon Leyton Vera John laws Youtube…