Emmanuel Guibert

Emmanuel Guibert is an innovative French comic artist, who works in styles varying for hyperrealistic to Clear Line. Born in Paris, Guibert briefly attended art school, and did his first professional work in the storyboard and illustration field. He made his comics debut in 1992 with ‘Brune’, a painted comic story about the rise of fascism in Germany during the 1930s. He then did several comics for Lapin, the magazine of the renewing publishing house l’Association. One of Guibert’s most impressive comics works of this period, ‘La Guerre d’Alan’, recounted the war experiences of Guibert’s friend Alan Ingram Cope, who served as an American soldier in World War II, and later retreated to France.


Drawing process

French interview.

Emmanuel Guibert is an innovative French comic artist, who works in styles varying for hyperrealistic to Clear Line. Born in Paris, Guibert briefly attended art school, and did his first professional work in the storyboard and illustration field. He made his comics debut in 1992 with ‘Brune’, a painted comic story about the rise of fascism in Germany during the 1930s. He then did several comics for Lapin, the magazine of the renewing publishing house l’Association. One of Guibert’s most impressive comics works of this period, ‘La Guerre d’Alan’, recounted the war experiences of Guibert’s friend Alan Ingram Cope, who served as an American soldier in World War II, and later retreated to France.


Drawing process

French interview.